[95] Trololol Guy Free

Petersburg aged 77 reached the front page accumulating over 18 000 up votes in 11 hours.
Trololol Guy Download. The same day a reddit post titled eduard khil trololo guy dies in st. Fred armisen eduard khil trololol guy trololo guy trololol trololo. Trololololo is a viral video meme featuring indeed i am very glad that i finally am returning home a soviet era pop song composed by arkady ostrovsky and performed by eduard khil in 1976.
Trololo guy eduard khil deceased. You know things are getting weird when you re having a battle with stalin that includes the rick roll and the. Khil became known to international audiences in 2010 when a 1976 recording of him singing a non lexical vocable version of the song i am very glad as i m finally returning back home became an internet meme often referred to as trololol or trololo as an onomatopoeia of the song or as the russian rickroll and as such the song was commonly associated with internet troll.
Eduard khil müzik video.